For the bipartite entangled state representation in quantum optics, the author present a new approach to analyze its expression in Fock space. 对于量子光学的双粒子纠缠态表象,我们给出一个新途径以分析其在福克空间中的表达式。
Recently, considerable attention has been paid to the parametric image amplifier in the nonlinear optics and quantum optics. 近年来,在非线性光学和量子光学领域中,光学参量图像放大系统的研究一直吸引着人们的关注。
The development in quantum optics and in quantum information is summarized in the paper at first. 本文对量子光学与量子信息学领域的发展动态进行了系统综述。
The interaction between polychromatic fields and atoms is an important subject in quantum optics. 原子与多色光场相互作用是量子光学研究中的一个重要课题。
Through one year effort, we have established a quantum optics laboratory and an atomic physics laboratory. 研究组经过一年多的努力已经搭建其一个量子光学实验室和一个原子物理实验室。
These abnormal phenomena will definitely explore the study of sonic crystals, photonic crystals and quantum optics in photonic crystals. 这些效应相信会给声子晶体、光子晶体的研究,甚至光子晶体中量子光学的研究带来一些新奇的特征。
Two-mode integral form projection operator and its application in quantum optics 双模坐标-动量积分型投影算符及其在量子光学中的应用
Using the Stokes operators to describe polarization characteristics of quantized light field in quantum optics, polarization properties of polarized even-and odd-coherent states are discussed. Fluctuations of Stokes parameters and squeezing properties and polarization degree of light are studied. 利用量子光学中表示量子化光场偏振特性的Stokes算符,讨论了偏振奇偶相干态的偏振特性,研究了在此光场中Stokes参量的涨落及其压缩特性和光场的偏振度。
Non-classical optical field is an important subject in quantum optics and quantum information because of its special properties, so the study of the generation and the property of the non-classical optical field states have stronger practical significances. 非经典光场以其独特的性质在量子光学和量子信息学中占据了重要的地位,因而对非经典光场的制备及其性质的研究都具有非常重要的意义。
The dispersion and absorption properties of optical medium have been extensively applied in quantum optics and nonlinear optics. 光学介质的吸收和色散性质在量子光学与非线性光学中有着广泛的应用。
Therefore, the study on quantum characters of cavity field is an important topic in quantum optics. 所以研究光场的量子特性是量子光学的一个重要课题。
Recently, atomic coherence or quantum interference effect has been the important work in quantum optics and laser physics. 近年来,原子相干或量子干涉效应是量子光学和激光物理学的重要前沿课题。
Theory of dissipative systems and quantum optics 耗散系统理论与量子光学
It is one of the most important contents for the quantum optics and nonlinear optics to study on the quantum properties and physical applications of the parametric image amplifier. 研究光学参量图像放大系统的量子特性和物理应用是非线性光学和量子光学的重要内容。
Fidelity is an important concept in quantum optics and information optics, the study on fidelity is meaningful for the development of quantum teleportation and quantum calculation. 保真度是量子光学和信息光学中的一个重要概念,保真度的研究对量子通信和量子计算领域的发展有重要意义。
All these results can be used to analysing the quantum optics experiments of EPR Paradox. 这些结果可直接用来分析EPR问题的量子光学实验。
Squeezing in Quantum Optics 量子光学中的压缩效应
Quantum coherence and interference has become one of the important forward subjects in laser physics and quantum optics. 量子相干与干涉是目前激光物理与量子光学领域的重要前沿课题之一。
Hence, quantum optics provide applicable methods for various continuous variables quantum information schemes. 因此,量子光学为各种连续变量量子信息方案提供了可行的手段。
As typical coherent beam, laser provides a new future for the development of quantum optics experiment. 激光作为典型的相干态光场,为后续量子光学的实验发展开辟了一条全新的道路。
One of the fundamental issues in quantum optics is finding effective methods to suppresses or control spontaneous emission. 量子光学的一个重要课题就是研究如何有效抑制或者控制自发辐射。
Interaction of atom and light field generated by the process more of a non-classical effects of quantum optics researchers. 原子与光场相互作用过程中所产生的非经典效应更加是量子光学研究的热点。
The research for quantum interference in atoms, molecules and ions is an interesting topic in the field of laser physics and quantum optics. 原子、分子和离子体系中的量子干涉效应是近年来激光物理和量子光学领域的一个研究热点。
Broad applications in the area of light-atom interaction, spectroscopy, optical telecommunication and quantum optics can be expected. 该器件在光与原子的相互作用,光谱学,光通信和量子光学等领域具有广泛的应用前景。
Atomic spontaneous decay is a fundamental object in quantum optics. 自发辐射是量子光学中的一个基本问题。
This study may have instructive sense on the application of vapor atomic ensemble in quantum optics 、 quantum information and nonlinear optics. 这一研究结果对热原子系综在量子光学、量子信息和非线性光学中的应用具有一定的指导意义。
The spontaneous emission phenomenon of an excited atom is one of basic processes in quantum optics. 激发态原子的自发辐射现象是量子光学领域是最基本的过程之一。
The interaction of the field and the atom is the main content in quantum optics field. 光场与原子相互作用是量子光学研究的主要内容。
Laser cooling of an atom, a trapped ion or microscopic systems, is a recent rapidly-developed topic about quantum optics, laser physics and quantum information science. 激光冷却原子、离子和纳米介观系统是近年来在量子光学、激光物理学和量子信息科学等众多学科中迅速发展起来的研究领域。
The interaction of atoms with light is an important research field in quantum optics, even in optics. 光与原子相互作用是量子光学乃至光学中的一个重要研究领域。